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Promoting Person-Centred Care and Empowerment Through Digital Care Planning

In today’s rapidly evolving social care landscape, person-centred care and empowerment have become vital aspects of providing good support and services. It is no longer the norm when individuals receiving social care were passive recipients of decisions made on their behalf. Instead, social care providers now recognise the importance of tailoring care to meet the unique needs and preferences of each person, while actively involving them in decision-making and promoting their empowerment. This shift has led to the rise of digital care planning, a powerful approach that harnesses technology to promote person-centred care and empowerment for the service user.
What is Person Centred care?
Person-centred care focuses on the individual’s preferences, goals, and aspirations. It recognises the importance of involving the person in all aspects of their care and support, ensuring that their voice is heard, and their choices and decisions are respected. Research has shown that when individuals are empowered to actively participate in their care and support, outcomes improve, and overall satisfaction increases.
Traditional social care planning methods often overlooked the importance of person-centred care and empowerment. In the conventional approach, decisions and plans were often made without considering the individual’s unique needs and preferences. This approach can lead to a lack of personalisation, reduced engagement, and a sense of disempowerment. Additionally, communication gaps between providers and individuals can arise, resulting in misunderstandings and further preventing person-centred care.
How does digital care planning encourage person-centred care for service users?
Digital care planning addresses these challenges by leveraging technology to enhance person-centred care and empowerment. One of the key advantages is improved communication and collaboration. Digital platforms enable seamless interaction between social care providers and individuals, facilitating real-time feedback and collaboration. Individuals can easily express their preferences, contribute to the decision-making process, and actively participate in shaping their care and support plans.
Furthermore, digital care planning platforms offer personalised and accessible care. Individuals can access their care plans, track their progress, and receive information and resources tailored to their specific needs and interests. This empowers them to make informed decisions about their care and support, and actively participate in determining their own well-being. Additionally, digital platforms ensure that care plans are accessible from anywhere, at any time, overcoming the limitations of traditional methods such as paper-based documents and in-person meetings.
Key features of digital care planning include electronic records systems that centralise information, enabling efficient care planning and access to historical data. Remote monitoring devices and self-management apps empower individuals to track their progress and make informed decisions about their well-being.
Implementing electronic care planning successfully requires adherence to best practices. It is crucial to engage individuals from the beginning, involving them in the decision to adopt digital social care planning and providing adequate education and support. Additionally, training social care professionals on using digital social care planning tools effectively and providing ongoing support ensures seamless adoption and utilisation.
How Care Control Facilitates Person-centred Care and Empowerment
Care Control Systems promotes person-centred care by empowering individuals and giving them a greater sense of control over their own care and support. These systems allow individuals to actively participate in decision-making processes, ensuring that their preferences, values, and goals are considered when planning and delivering care. By using Care Control, individuals can customise and tailor their care plans according to their unique needs and preferences. This level of personalisation enables service users to receive care that is aligned with their specific requirements, promoting a more holistic and person-centred approach. Additionally, Care Control facilitates better communication and coordination among healthcare providers, caregivers, and the service user receiving care. This collaboration allows for the exchange of information, sharing of goals, and integration of various aspects of care, leading to a more cohesive and person-centred care experience. Also, Care Control facilitates the provision of individualised care by promoting continuity and consistency in care delivery. These systems enable the recording and sharing of care preferences, care plans, and progress notes, ensuring that managers have access to up-to-date and accurate information no matter where they are.
Digital care planning has revolutionised the way social care is delivered by promoting person-centred care and empowerment. By actively involving individuals in their care and support, leveraging technology for communication and collaboration, and providing personalised and accessible care digital care planning has the potential to transform the social care experience for both individuals and providers. Embracing this digital revolution and implementing best practices will pave the way for a future where person-centred care is the norm, and individuals are empowered to actively participate in shaping their own well-being within the realm of social care.
Care Control’s care management software is proven to work in all types of care settings and is trusted by more than 37,000 carers in the UK. We provide a great implementation and additional training and support to help you get the best start on your digital journey. If you’d like to join them and give your care service a digital overhaul, contact us to book a demo and find out how we can help your business.