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Looking after staff wellbeing

One of the most important parts of any social care organisation is the staff themselves and staff wellbeing. Ensuring that staff are happy and motivated, improves the environment in your care organisation and the quality of care, both allowing a better experience for your service users.

As it is getting closer to Christmas things can start to get more manic in care settings, and staff can start to feel more strained. So, it is even more important to make sure you look after them.

Here are 5 ways to help look after staff wellbeing:

Make staff feel appreciated


Telling staff, they are doing good work and thanking them for it can go a long way. Recognition and praise can make a big difference when it comes to boosting morale and making people feel good. You could even treat them to a new coffee machine in the staff room or a gift voucher to show your appreciation. If you did not want to spend money letting staff leave early if the chance arises is another good way to show appreciation.


Allow for talks about mental health


Mental Health is still considered a taboo subject in some workplaces, but it is just as important as physical health.

Make sure you have an open and healthy environment which allows your staff to talk about mental health, and they know who they can talk to if they are struggling and wish to seek help.

You could have designated members of staff trained in mental health or provide support in other ways such as allowing for mental health days, pointing people in the right direction to mental health services and taking the time to understand different mental health problems.


Respect annual leave


Employees that have rested and had their holiday and time off are less likely to burn out and will be fresh and focused. Make sure staff take their holiday, but also respect the holiday they have – do not call them back into work whilst on annual leave.


If you know staff are going to be away try to set up contingency plans with agency staff or staff who are happy to come in on their days off, rather than people on leave.


Have a designated break area


Ensuring that there is a designated break area means that staff can turn off from work on their breaks and try to de-stress, do their own thing or socialise with other staff. It may be only a brief break, but it brings a greater level of productivity, and boosts morale if there is a functional break room to have it in.

Allow employees to be able to feedback without judgement


Giving employees the opportunity to feedback and try to solve any issues or problems within the workplace is a good way to make them feel valued and involved. This feedback can be about anything work related including if anything needs fixing, improving employee wellness and anything else employees want to suggest.


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