Every year, UK Care Week brings together care providers, innovators, and thought leaders to exchange…
How Care Control is here for you
The health and social care industry is led by person-centred care philosophy, and as a Care management software company in this industry, we want to do the same for you as our customers. Care Control is a customer service-led company putting you at the forefront of decisions.
People who understand
We have over 100 years of care experience among our staff at Care Control. This means over 100 years of understanding your problems and experiences as they have gone through them or similar experiences themselves.
Dedicated support teams
We have dedicated customer support teams, implementation teams and technical support teams. No matter what your problem is Care Control has your back. These teams are full of friendly experts ready to help you as fast as they can.
Customer Support Email
We don’t want you to miss anything important, therefore we have “Let’s talk customer service with Amanda” a dedicated customer service email that goes out once a month. This is to update you and allow you to feedback to us. Keep an eye out for these you may win some prizes in them like Tammy did at Cliffdale Care Home.
Constantly improving
We listen to your feedback and our dedicated team of developers, and new UX designer Hannah Dawe are working on new projects and updating Care Control to give you the best experience based on what you want.
Training sessions
If you ever needed a top-up of your Care Control knowledge or help at any point, you can book extra 1-1 training sessions with our specialists either in person at our Head Office in Tavistock or on Teams. We understand how important it is to get the training right when implementing something new, so we will dedicate as much time as you need.
Get in touch
We would like for you to take advantage of our excellent customer service team and Care Control Academy.
For support or advice get in contact with us at:
Email: info@carecontrolsystems.co.uk
Phone: (+44) 01822 738100
Or fill in a form on our website