Every year, UK Care Week brings together care providers, innovators, and thought leaders to exchange…
Behind the screens: Natasha’s Care experience
Here at Care Control, we have over 100 years of care experience amongst our staff, helping to give you the best customer service from people who can relate to some of the experiences you have. We have interviewed each person who has worked in care and put together a fact file on each person, so you can know more about the people behind Care Control. Find out below Natasha’s Care Experience:
Natasha’s Care Experience
Natasha Crook is our Team Leader of New Partnerships and has been at Care Control for 4 months now. She has 10 years of experience working in a variety of care settings including running her own domiciliary business for 3 years.
What Care experience do you have?
I have worked in a care home supporting dementia patients, as well as a few years working in palliative care. I have also spent time doing agency work for a supported living company helping people with learning disabilities and then set up my own domiciliary business for 3 years.
What was your reason for going into care work?
My nan had dementia and I wanted to help other people with dementia after I saw how it affected her. I also wanted to be a nurse, but I’m scared of blood, so care was a good alternative where I can help people.
What is your favourite thing about working in care?
My favourite thing about working in care had to be the connections you make with the clients; I looked after one lady called Joy and she would say to me that “I was like the daughter she never had.”
It was also nice seeing the improvements in people, as you were looking after them and helping them.
If you used digital software, how did it help your role?
I didn’t use it in my experience, but I wish I did.
What is your favourite feature about Care Control?
It has to be the fluid chart! I also like that when you log in all your messages come up straight away, so people can see what has been said to them and it increases their accountability.
What feature of Care control would benefit you most if you went back into care?
It would have to be that all the information you need is at the touch of your fingers, and you have access to everything at the get-go.
I also think the memory box is a lovely idea especially when you work with dementia patients.
What did you like about running and working in your own domiciliary business?
I liked the good hours, and that domiciliary empowers people to stay at home. I feel like the families are reassured as well with Domiciliary care. From a manager’s viewpoint, I liked the connections I made with the families.
How would Care Control help you if you were still working in your domiciliary business?
With everything at the touch of a button, it would make work more effective and help me and the staff work out priorities. It would also allow a better focus on care, especially on short visits as you wouldn’t spend most of your time writing up what you are doing.